Saturday, February 13, 2010

An awakening !

Jaya Jaya Sri Sudarshana !
This is another step in my life and I am so glad to have reached here. I feel the blessing and I am the chosen one. Thank you Lord and thank you family and friends to have believed in me and stood by me and to help me realise. I have been influenced and motivated by PerumAL, family and so many others and am glad to be alive and hope to make a difference to others as I find more meanings in my path of life.

Writing was always a passion but speaking was difficult. I am not sure I have been able to communicate effectively. I know I am a poor listener but I am trying to change. Life is a challenge but seems like a roller-coaster - glad to be on it, ready for the ride, frightening but thrilling in experience, stop gaps and landings. Every landing helps me contemplate and enables me to take the ride again. There's so much to do and I got to get going...

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