Thursday, August 25, 2011

Rainy Day

I was so eager to go on this partner assessment trip – it was a road trip and I was looking forward to reading another book on my way. This time I picked The Scarlett Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne. The first few pages fascinated me of the great literary depth I was being pulled into. Even as I read along, I was motivated to write.

This trip in the rain was so satisfying – I completed all trips during the last quarter as planned. One goal achieved for my key result area which I have to report by end of the month. As I look back on the assessment exercises, I believe this was possible also because my colleague who went along with me on these trips gave his time and attention towards achieving our common goal. Whatever are your efforts, there’s always someone who makes it happen for you and does his/her part to help you finish, even if we are not aware of such a coordination. This time, I cannot help but thank my dear colleague who gave me this sense of completion and closure.

As we drove back from the countryside, I was caught by the agricultural lands that were sometimes green and sometimes black, rich in soil and so fertile. Between the pages of the book I was engulfed in, I put up my head to see the hanging clouds – some so while and some completely dark. Wah! Hyderabad! I love the weather. Passing between splashes of rain and a little drizzle, and also when we even drove through sunny moments, I realized the length and breadth of nature. The 4-lane highway of the Andhra Pradesh roads looked clear and helped us speed towards home.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

A day to remember

This was my day. A day I cannot forget because it was my birthday. But more so because, it was this day that over the last few years, I have felt the painful pangs of a loved one gone far. My child left the city every year this day to study at another, and one question that came back to my mind on each of these evenings - am I doing the right thing?

I heard of other young parents who had toddlers crying on this day when the schools opened for another academic year. Also heard of other parents who are keen to see their children off to school proudly displaying all the new stuff they have. But what about the many children who do not think of a school as they belonged to, or give a thought to parents who would like to see their child in school but the school is not accessible or too far. I am really blessed to see my teen opting to go far for study and be able to afford it.

By the way, this day is also World Day Against Child Labour. And child labour was the topic that struck a chord in my heart to feel for the disadvantaged class and gave me the courage to make a big move in life. Talking of child labour also made me realize that it is children who rise to the occasion more easily and normally than adults. Even as I grapple to get a hold on the programme that I support at my workplace to keep children in school, and the fact that child labour in my state is much higher in numbers, I wonder if children really want to stop working. The changing value in society for money earned (or money made?) is so deep and sound, we are made to believe that every disadvantage can be overcome with affordability.

As I return after dropping my child at the station and I know my day is coming to a close, I see an 8-year old rag-picking near a busy junction late in the evening when other children are ready for dinner after playing or are watching television with family, unaware of the loss of his rights and the joy of growing, only to make money for another meal may be !

Sunday, November 28, 2010


Another Sunday I found for myself. This Sunday is quieter in comparison to the last few weeks after my teen daughter left yesterday for continuing college in another city. I miss sharing her and all the sound advises and pouring instructions I was giving her over the last month. I have no one to complain about today and I enjoy the space and the calmness. I just realized that I found myself again today.

In these times of speed and change, it is so very difficult to hold on to yourself when one is so engulfed into the needs of the workplace, the stress and noise of commute in high traffic roads, the voices of competition and jealousy and you are trying your best to prove your participation and worth. And so when I had all the (Sun)day and the night for myself in serenity and solitude, I made an attempt to organize my thoughts, hopes and dreams for future, make plans for changing circumstances, find inspirations in books and be motivated by people and their stories, set short-term and long-term goals for doing what I loved to do – all this helped me bring out my innate strengths and individuality.

I am now renewed with a new vigor and am raring to go – nothing could let me down. I know my path and I see a vision for humanity to grow – into the realms of the self and towards realization of the truth and essence.

This is what holidays can do for me and I hope it does for all. “Break ke Baad” or during a break – it can work wonders!

Monday, March 15, 2010

Travel and Learning

Business travel and new learning - yes. After being in and out of office and on business travel a couple of weeks earlier, I have realised that you are expected to be on the move even before you settle down. Even though I was not sure if I should take the ride as the travel needs came, once I made up my mind and was prepared to go, it was a trip worth taking.

Travel started with, the long drive to the airport of course. I always feel guilty for not supporting the "go green, save energy" intiative when I am driven all the way to the airport. But flying was a spiritual experience - I felt close to nature and within its lap; I am one of those chosen ones to feel blessed this way.

One trip was for orientation to the organisation I joined recently; after all these years of working, orientations and introductions still had their own meaning and teachings. We were asked to write, what is the one thing you would like to learn in life and at the end of orientation of 3 days, how much were we able to work on the learning need. This exercise not only taught me to keep focus on what you want to achieve in life but also to make use of people and resources on hand to reach towards your goal.

My next trip was to participate and coordinate in a workshop on infant death audit - a subject far from my learnings all these years and I was wondering how I could contribute. But to get an opportunity to interact with leaders working in this area, even to see examples of research and programs from just a couple of states, giving me insights into understanding interventions into an important area of child health, to be part of a group activity on social, ethical and economical causes of infant death was indeed a true blessing and a great learning. I would even love to explore a project on this important topic in a country where nearly half the children do not live after coming into this world.

Every opportunity has a meaning and every step is a learning. It's up to you to take it or leave it.


Saturday, February 13, 2010

An awakening !

Jaya Jaya Sri Sudarshana !
This is another step in my life and I am so glad to have reached here. I feel the blessing and I am the chosen one. Thank you Lord and thank you family and friends to have believed in me and stood by me and to help me realise. I have been influenced and motivated by PerumAL, family and so many others and am glad to be alive and hope to make a difference to others as I find more meanings in my path of life.

Writing was always a passion but speaking was difficult. I am not sure I have been able to communicate effectively. I know I am a poor listener but I am trying to change. Life is a challenge but seems like a roller-coaster - glad to be on it, ready for the ride, frightening but thrilling in experience, stop gaps and landings. Every landing helps me contemplate and enables me to take the ride again. There's so much to do and I got to get going...